Medical Equipment Loan Program

The Palliative Care Medical Equipment Loan Program is a project of the West Moreton Care at the End of Life Collaborative which is funded by the Darling Downs & West Moreton Primary Health Network and administered by Ipswich Hospice Care Ltd.

This program provides syringe drivers, oxygen concentrators and nebulisers on a short-term loan basis. It is available to anyone living / residing in the West Moreton Hospital and Health Service geographical region with a serious or life limiting condition and is approaching their end stage of life.

Equipment can be loaned 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

To access this equipment, download and complete an application form (link below) and submit to (or in person).

Please download and read the Guidelines for Medical Equipment Loan Program prior to making your first application (which include terms and conditions of loan).

Eligibility Criteria

For more information, please refer to the
Guidelines for Medical Equipment Loan Program.

Item Criteria

The requesting organisation must be located in the West Moreton Region, providing end of life care for an individual with a life limiting illness (individual patients are unable to access this service directly).

The individual (for whom the equipment is loaned) must:

  • Reside in the West Moreton HHS region
  • Continue to reside in the West Moreton HHS region throughout the period of the loan
  • Have a life limiting condition
Syringe Driver

The individual (for whom the equipment is loaned) must:

  • Have a life limiting illness
  • Be under the care of a medical officer that provides medical governance for the individual using the syringe driver
Oxygen Concentrator

The individual (for whom the equipment is loaned) must:

  • Be a non-smoker
  • Be in the last stages of life and required oxygen for symptom management where quick access to a concentrator will facilitate sooner discharge to preferred place of care.
  • Require oxygen to avoid hospitalisation whilst applications are being made through Medical Aids Subsidy Scheme Palliative Care Equipment Program. If the individual is not currently awaiting approval through the Medical Aids Subsidy Scheme, approval must be made by the individual’s medical practitioner.

The individual (for whom the equipment is loaned) must:

  • Have a life limiting illness
  • Be under the care of a medical officer that provides medical governance for the individual using the syringe driver


There is a small fee associated with each loan (payable by the requesting organisation) to cover maintenance and cleaning of equipment.
The organisation will be invoiced by Ipswich Hospice Care Ltd.

Item Fees
Syringe Driver $50 per loan
Oxygen Concentrator $50 per loan
Nebuliser $15 per loan

For further information please contact Ipswich Hospice Care Ltd. on 07 3812 1163 or via

Useful Resources

The requesting organisation is responsible for the safe and appropriate use of the equipment loaned through this program. This includes ensuring that staff and family/carers are competent and safe in its use.

The Care at the End of Life Collaborative recommend the Queensland Government’s PallConsult Syringe Driver Training Module (free and open to all). Please click here to access this training.

The Queensland Health Guidelines for Subcutaneous Infusion Device Management in Palliative Care and other settings (third edition) 2021 are available here.